Isabelo semakethe yephrinta engenamthelela emhlabeni wonke ngo-2020 |Fujitsu, Brother Industries, HP, Epson USA

Umbiko wokuhlaziya ohlangene onesihloko esithi “Imakethe Yephrinta Yomhlaba Wonke Engenayo Impact ngo-2020” ngomkhiqizi, isifunda, uhlobo kanye nesicelo, futhi isibikezelo ngo-2025 sihlaziya isimo semakethe kanye nesimo semakethe ngemibono yabahlanganyeli, amazwe, izinhlobo zemikhiqizo kanye nesiphetho. izimboni.ithemba.Umbiko uhlinzeka ngocwaningo olunemininingwane esekelwe kumathrendi amanje athinta yonke into eqondile.Lo mbiko uhlinzeka ngesifinyezo somkhiqizo, futhi ugxile emikhiqizweni nasezindaweni zokusetshenziswa kwemakethe, okuhlanganisa intengo, imali engenayo, izinga lokukhula kokuthengisa kanye nesabelo semakethe ngomkhiqizo.Ihlinzeka ngedatha ebanzi yokuthuthukisa ukuqonda, ububanzi kanye nokusetshenziswa kombiko wephrinta ongewona umthelela.Umbiko uphinde uhlole amathemba amanje omhlaba kanye nezifunda ezinkulu ngokombono wabahlanganyeli, amazwe, izinhlobo zemikhiqizo kanye nezimboni zokugcina.
Qaphela: Abahlaziyi bethu baqapha isimo somhlaba wonke futhi bachaze ukuthi imakethe izoletha amathemba amakhulu enzuzo kubakhiqizi ngemva kwenhlekelele ye-COVID-19.Lo mbiko uhlose ukuqhubeka nokuchaza isimo sakamuva, ukwehla komnotho kanye nomthelela we-COVID-19 kuyo yonke imboni.
Ukuhlaziywa okuphelele kwabakhiqizi abancintisanayo nabasanda kungena kwenziwa, futhi kwenziwa ucwaningo olufushane.Umbiko uklanyelwe ngokuqondile ukuqonda imininingwane yemakethe enembile nezimo zemakethe.Umbiko uhlola ukusebenza kwezimbangi emakethe yephrinta engenamthelela yomhlaba.Ngaphezu kwalokho, lo mbiko uqukethe nemininingwane eningiliziwe ngesabelo semakethe, amandla kanye nokusetshenziswa kwalezi zindawo zokufaka izicelo phakathi nenkathi yocwaningo kusukela ngo-2015 kuya ku-2026. Umbiko wocwaningo lwemakethe uhlukanisa ububanzi bokuncintisana embonini ngokuningiliziwe.Ngaphezu kwalokho, umbiko ubuye uxoxe ngezinyathelo ezibalulekile ezithathwe abadlali abakhulu ukuhlangabezana nezinselele zebhizinisi ezethulwa.
Abahlinzeki bokuqala abafakwe emakethe yilaba: Fujitsu, Brother Industries, HP, Epson America, DYMO BVBA, Canon, Star Micronics, Toshiba, Samsung, Zebra, Dascom, Dell, NCR, Datamax
Ucwaningo lwesifunda lwemakethe yokuphrinta engenamthelela yomhlaba wonke luthole izifunda ezibalulekile ezilandelayo: INyakatho Melika (i-United States, iCanada neMexico), i-Europe (iJalimane, i-France, i-United Kingdom, i-Russia, i-Italy, iSpain, i-Benelux, iNyakatho Yurophu), i-Asia (China, Japan), South Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Australia and Taiwan), South America (Brazil, Argentina), Middle East and North Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey)
Esigabeni semakethe ngohlobo, umbiko uhlanganisa: amaphrinta ashisayo, amaphrinta e-electrostatic, amaphrinta we-laser electrostatic, amaphrinta we-inkjet, amaphrinta okudlulisa ashisayo
Ngokuya ngokuhlukaniswa kwemakethe ngokusetshenziswa, umbiko uhlanganisa ukusetshenziswa okulandelayo: ibhizinisi, isikole, uhulumeni, nokunye
Umbiko uhlinzeka ngemali engenayo yomlando kanye nevolumu ukusekela ulwazi mayelana namandla emakethe futhi usiza ukuhlola inani lezindawo ezibalulekile emakethe yephrinta engenamthelela yomhlaba.Ucwaningo lubandakanya isabelo sengxenye ngayinye yemakethe nolwazi lwesistimu mayelana nezinhlobo zemakethe nezinhlelo zokusebenza.Umbiko unikeza umbono wokubheka phambili ezintweni ezihlukahlukene ezikhuthaza noma ezikhawulela ukukhula kwemakethe.
Finyelela umbiko ogcwele:
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Isikhathi sokuthumela: Apr-27-2021